City Council Meeting - 12/12/2018
Call to Order and Roll Call
Closed Session Report
Flag Salute
Approval of Agenda
SDG&E Annual Update to the City of Solana Beach
Presentations 1
Oral Communications
Council Community Announcements/Commentary
Consent Calendar
La Colonia Skate Park - Project Update. (File 0720-30)
Staff Report C.1.
Adopt (2nd Reading) Ordinance 495 – Shared Mobility Program. (File 0840-40)
Staff Report C.2.
Adopt (2nd Reading) Ordinance 497 – Sidewalk Vending. (File 0390-45)
Staff Report C.3.
Adopt (2 nd Reading) Ordinance 492 Authorizing Fire Mitigation Impact Fee (FMIF) Program, Ordinance 493 Authorizing Park Development Impact Fee (PDIF) Program, Ordinance 496 Authorizing Public Use Facilities Impact Fee (PUFIF) Program. (File 0390-23)
Staff Report C.4.
Adopt (2 nd Reading) Ordinance 489 Adding Section 2.04.015 to the Solana Beach Municipal Code Regarding Mayoral Duties. (File 0410-90)
Staff Report C.5.
Certification of November 6, 2018 General Election Results. (File 0410-70)
Staff Report C.6.
Public Hearing: Request for DRP and SDP to Construct a New, Single-Family Residence with an Attached Two-Car Garage and Perform Associated Site Improvements at 456 S. Nardo. (Case # 17-17-42 Applicant: 456 S. Nardo, LLC; APN: 298-121-66; Resolution No. 2018-152. (File 0600-40)
Public Hearing B.1.
Public Hearing: Request for a DRP to a Construct a Replacement, Split-Level, Single-Family Residence and Perform Associated Site Improvements at 607 North Cedros Avenue. (Case # 17-17-37 Applicant: Greg Agee; APN: 263-062-20; Resolution No. 2018-153. (File 0600-40)
Public Hearing B.2.
Public Hearing: Request for DRP to Construct a New, Single-Family Residence with an Attached Three-Car Garage and Perform Associated Site Improvements at 986 Avocado Place. (Case # 17-17-14 Applicants: Jonathan and Aviva Mark; APN: 298-381-08; Resolution No. 2018-151. (File 0600-40)
Public Hearing B.3.
Public Hearing: Request for a DRP and SDP to a Construct a Replacement, Single-Family Residence and Perform Associated Site Improvements at 362 N. Sierra Avenue. (Case # 17-18-12 Applicant: Michael Drapkin; APN: 263-303-28; Resolution No. 2018-154. (File 0600-40)
Public Hearing B.4.
Quarterly Investment Report. (File 0350-44)
Consent Calendar A.3
Work Plan Comments